Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Ailing Male- A tribute to brave parents

Hale and hearty he is born
the title of heir he does adorn
the Indian male is a prince at berth
his gender decides his perceived worth

Fed well and tended by one and all
A deluge of nannies at his every call
He’s the apple of everyone's eye
and so he remains till the day he dies

Fortunes set aside, to succour him in need
treated like a darling even if he's a weed
Getting undue credit for his every pull
He’s the glass that’s always half-full

The breadwinner according to social norms
the shape of family, on him it forms
Domestic life soon plays before him
the social vortex repeats the story grim

Having a baby-girl here comes at a price
and hence for a Boy, he goes for the vice
Sucked into the circle where he got his life
for a male heir, he commits a foeticide

Another male, hale and hearty is born
Slow and steady, the social fabric is torn
His inequity with this oft repeated tale
I prefer to call him the 'ailing male'

©amit Khanduri

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